Close Every Sales Call

Sales Skills You Will Master


  • What Does It Mean to Be A Professional Salesperson?


  • The Difference Between Good and Great and how to Become Great


  • How to Sell - Sales Process That Works


  • Time Management


  • Communications Skills


  • How to Probe


  • The Cost of Sales


  • Territory Management


  • Account Strategies and Tactics


  • How to Manage for Success


  • How Should You Expect to Be Paid


  • Recognition and Why it is Important


  • Why ANYONE Can Be Successful in Sales


  • Sales Skills


  • Sales Tools


  • Best Practices


  • How to Develop a Sales Team


  • When and How to Close

   Sales can be a lonely profession.  Do it well, and you may develop a certain amount of arrogance.  You won't want anyone getting in the way or telling you what to do, and you'll run the risk of closing yourself off to new ideas.  Do it poorly, and you'll always be looking for excuses, blaming everyone else and all the circumstances beyond your control.  Failing in sales may leave you constantly searching for fulfillment in life—or a new profession. 

     Self-determination is very empowering.  Knowing you can sell is intoxicating to those of us who know how to do it well.  Master the skills in this book, and you will know what I am talking about.

     Sales is a wonderful professional career often maligned and looked down on by others around us who do not "get it".  Once you understand the complexity of sales and how it applies to successful companies, it can provide you with a clear sense of accomplishment.  I hope this book changes how you feel about sales, salespeople, sales management in general, and your chosen career path. 

     It takes a special person to handle repeated rejection and be able to see the parade of constant no's as simply—constant not-yets.  Optimism in sales is a wonderful trait and essential to success. 

     The most successful salespeople tend to be ultrasensitive to other people’s reactions and feelings. This trait can allow you to control conversations and quickly sense changes in both clients and accounts.  Adapting faster than your competitors is essential.  This same sensitivity can also cause salespeople to erect barriers around themselves when it comes to personal relationships.  Trust is a two-way street—you need to be able to let down your guard a bit if you want the client you are working with to do the same.  During my career, I became masterful at showing people who I was without completely letting them in, and this book will teach you how to do this as well.

     Over the years, I've witnessed the impact of technology on our profession and experienced how companies, both large and small, struggle to adjust and adapt to change.   Computerization and the rise of the internet have accelerated the pace of decision-making.   Today, sending an email and copying everyone alive is easy…and dangerous.  In today’s business environment it is much easier to react (and overreact), to send things too quickly to the wrong person with incorrect information or a misguided tone. 

     The ability to communicate is a skill that is essential for every successful salesperson. 

     To succeed in sales, all communications must be intentional.  Every piece of communication is crucial in how it is both prepared and presented.  Never assume...


     I am writing this book to provide you with the best practices and skills that I have learned and created over the four decades of my career.  This book is designed to teach anyone what works in sales what works, what does not work, and how and when to ignore the outside noise and distractions (and there are always a lot of both of those).  If you learn the skills that I will discuss in this book, you will always have a leg up on your competition. 

Sales success is empowering!